Monday, February 2, 2009

Kraft Easy Mac, triple cheese flavor

Bonjour, salut, et cetera.

Today I'll be going over triple cheese Easy Mac. I feel like this product (note how I'm not even going to pretend that this is ramen) has a bad reputation. I know that personally, before I gave it the good ol' college try, I was very shy of it; I went to an all-day music festival once where they were giving it out, and it looked lumpy and crusty and gross. Then my roommate ate some and it smelled delicious. And who am I to shy away from sketchy cheap microwaveable treats? (I don't even know how to answer that question)

Here is easy mac attempting to open my door. Can it do it? Nope, it's not heavy enough.

See how tightly the lid is stretched over the cup? I found out standing in line to purchase this sketchy cheap microwaveable treat that it makes a very good makeshift bongo. Hit it with a spoon and it gives a satisfying "boing."

For the record, I chose the three cheese flavor over the regular variety because I like excessive amounts of cheese. (Between this and ramen, it's a miracle I'm not 300 pounds.)

The directions were very easy to follow, but also quite intriguing. Step one involves a "Note: You will see loose white powder in Pasta. This is necessary for proper cooking." So what do I do? I taste the powder. It could've been any of the things on the ingredients list, like medium chain triglycerides. Everything's a learning experience-- what do medium chain triglycerides taste like? So I tasted it. Turned out to be salt. Anticlimactic, but also not disgusting, which is always a plus.

I put in water to the fill line ("remplir jusqua'ici" is also given for you Francophones but the instructions aren't, so it's sort of strange) and gave it a stir and put it in the microwave for three and a half minutes.
Then I took it out, stirred it, decided it needed some more time, and put it in for another 20 seconds. Perfect. There was enough water left to make it sticky, but not too drippy. It absorbs quite well.

I've had this before. Taking it out of the microwave is the dangerous part-- as with anything, but moreso for easy mac. Like I said, it's sticky. Last time I ate it, I dropped it all over. Not only did I have a splotchy burn on my foot and noodles all over the place, the noodle goo stuck to everything. I went through a gazillion paper towels trying to make my floor and my foot and my dresser and my pants not sticky. It was kind of pathetic, actually.

Back to now. I added the cheese powder packed and stirred, and stirred, and stirred, and stirred... then it wasn't lumpy and smelled like macaroni and cheese.

I dug in with my spoon and burned my tongue, of course. I can't win. Then I ate. It's gooey and fake-cheesy, fake in the way that you can't tell at all what kind of cheese it is (and reading the ingredients it might not be cheese at all.) Yeah, it's pretty much junk but it's easy, hot, gooey, and faster than ramen. Since it's not original flavor, it doesn't even taste all that much like the box kind-- much more cheddary.

One more thing that can be said about this product is that once it's gone, I don't want more, and that's not because it's bad. With the generic cheapy brick ramen, I'm usually still hungry. Easy Mac doesn't do that for me.

Final score: eat some

(Hi Chelsea and Noah and Justin)


Anonymous said...

So, you like?

I will have to buy some for you when you come home!

Mom =)

Unknown said...

I might be a decade late to the party, but this review came in great when I, an American, had to explain to my European friend about the "new" microwavable Kraft mac-n-cheese product that "came out" recently here in Korea. It's Easy Mac. This was exactly the review I was looking for. Cheers.