Saturday, November 15, 2008

Updates, questions, Maruchan Ramen (Roast Chicken flavor)


I know I haven't touched this in months. There are a variety of reasons.

1) I have moved back into a dorm. There is a cafeteria. I don't need to cook.

2) I'm trying to lose weight. Ramen's pretty bad for you.

3) I have gone vegetarian. I can't even eat most kinds of ramen anymore.

So there you have it. Those are my petty excuses. However, know that I do appreciate every comment I get. Occasionally I'll wake up in the morning and there will be an email waiting for me, delivering news of a new comment, and I'll genuinely feel good knowing I've put something out there that people can relate to, even if just enough to spend five seconds writing a comment. I know this sounds overly sappy for a ramen blog, but I mean it. <3

Plus, I just like reading the Google queries that lead people here. Classics like "annie chun smells strange" and "found jehling ramen noodle soup cup in tradition instant noodle soup cover." Oh, internet strangers who will most likely never read this, keep it up.

Anyway! A stray mouse click lead to me opening a file with notes about ramen that I never actually reviewed. It turned out the pictures were already in my Flickr and everything. Here we go: Maruchan Ramen, roast chicken flavor.


I also apparently documented every step of this process. Warning: What you are about to read is completely unnecessary.


First I put water in a bowl.

Then I put the bowl in the microwave.

Then I turned on the microwave.

Then I broke up the brick and put it in the bowl.

(Insert pictures here of putting it back in microwave and turning on microwave)

Then I stirred it and drained it and dumped in the seasoning and if you're really THAT curious just click on one of those pictures and go directly to Flickr, I'm getting lazy.


oh goodness staring at these pictures of ramen I ate two months ago is making me really hungry

According to my notes, the noodles left something to be desired. They were chewier than the Top Ramen, and not in a good way. "Doughy" is the exact word I used. I'll admit this may have something to do with my preparation style-- I don't have marked down how long I microwaved it for, it could've been my trademark Four Minutes Instead Of The Advised Three, which could've been unnecessary for this brand. Either way, they were softer than preferable.

Onto the flavoring. I liked it. "Rich" did seem to be an appropriate adjective in this scenario, but I don't remember what that entails exactly. I did write down that the flavoring seemed incredibly artificial, which was quite a letdown after the deliciousness that was Ichiban. Minus points for that.

Also, there was low stain potential, and it made my nose run.

Pros: Tasty.
Cons: Weird noodles, tasted fake, had to get up for a tissue.
Final score: too late to tell/10

I'll try to be back soon. Promise. <3


S. said...

This won't help with reasons 1 and 2, but as for going vegetarian, have you tried Tradition brand ramen? It's kosher/pareve, which means it contains no meat. (Even the "chicken style" variety.)

...on the other hand, it's more expensive than the non-kosher counterpart.

Unknown said...

I like your blog, dude. Anyone who has ever been to college can relate.

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